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[APPROVED]Hotgreensoldier would like to become Reg ----> 11/08/10

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Steam: Hotgreensoldier

SteamID:# 36 "Hotgreensoldier" STEAM_0:1:28960727 25:28 72 0 active

In-Game Name: Hotgreensoldier

Time online: About 10 months, not sure, been on for a while though.

Servers: TTT, Zombie Survival, onslaught, and maybe ill start playing Build

Age: 15, I'm a fun loving weird guy, but my microphone doesnt work anymore so I can't express myself...

Birthday: December 23rd

Games: CSS, Team fortress 2, Garrymod (HURP DURP), Half life 2 Episode 2, zombie panic, and Alien swarm.

Locationn: Las Vegas, Nevada

The reason: The reason why I want to be regular is to actually feel like part of Random Gaming servers and have the benefits of the server, this was one of the first, and best gaming servers I've ever played, Also part of the benefits are to be able to make garrysmod videos on here and make some about Random, Kindve like a advertiser (Not that the servers are already almost always full and takes a long time to get in :/) I really want too be part of this gaming community to be in the same level as my fellow bretheren (That sounded kinda akward...)

Contributions: I am going to try to make videos for random and attempt to become VIP, to get rid of exploiters, glitchers, and other rule breaking minges in the server.

If you want to contact me add me on steam, I will always reply unless afk.  ^-^

Sure, I guess. :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Buddha on November 08, 2010, 10:14:34 PM ---Umm please add date and i never met you :I

--- End quote ---

pretty good player in TTT, never minges  :thumbsup:

PhysicX M.D.:
Seen him in wire.Ok
Nice app anyways. :thumbsup:

From what i have seen, Not a minge. And also reg doesn't so much anyways so  :thumbsup:


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