Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

[APPROVED][JDRP] Jake's Reg. App. 11/8/10

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[JDRP] Jake's Reg. App.

Name: Jake

Ign:[JDRP] Jake

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25504131

Age: 15

Location: USA, PA

Reason for wanting to be reg: I would like to become a regular on Rnd servers because I am very active, and I would like to be able to vote when people are being kicked or banned.  I also know a lot of the people that come on the server.

Thanks, [JDRP] Jake

Peter Petrelli:
This person is great, Never minges, Never bother anybody, and doesnt hate a single friend. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I dont think ive ever seen him not be  8). Yes from me

Thank you  :party:

awesome player! +1


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