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Debate - Which side are you on?

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--- Quote from: Cake Faic on November 13, 2010, 08:57:14 PM ---

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Were not offtopic to go to back ontopic :<

Were still talking aboot rocks


--- Quote from: Moolz ♥ on November 13, 2010, 07:32:26 PM ---As a child I claimed that rock COULD BEAT paper.

We were playing rock paper scissors and my enemy won with his paper and I, a rock.
I was so mad, I decided to take a rock, and paper.

I put the paper down on the ground and used the rock (basically rubbed the rock counterclockwise on the paper) - it destroyed it.
I let out a huge "SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and stomped away in my pigtails.

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Hm. I woulda held out my fist as rock and socked the guy in the face. See Rock beast Paper.

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.


--- Quote from: Frank on November 14, 2010, 05:44:03 AM ---Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.

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It's very simple. Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock. And as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on November 14, 2010, 05:53:38 AM ---It's very simple. Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock vaporizes rock. And as it always has, rock crushes scissors.

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thats on your steam page lol


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