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New zs map system suggestion

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I have recently thought of an idea for the map system in zs. I know there is already a map vote system, But the bad thing is that people constantly vote the same maps over and over without knowing that there are other real nice maps on the list. A map vote system IS better than the old rotation... But only in a few ways. So my idea is to combine the two. For example: One game you use the vote map system like normal. After that match is over, the game picks a map at random with out the votemap system. And the process would repeat, votemap and then random, etc.  Please vote your answer in the poll above and comment your thoughts below.

                              -That one sexy chick.

Peter Petrelli:
 :darkbluepacmanghost:I agree with this annoying maps voted over and over :darkbluepacmanghost: and people not knowing theres other real nice maps out there.. Random Vote System FTW  :thumbsup:

PhysicX M.D.:
Yea same here.They keep playing angry quarantine which really makes me mad.So yeah. :thumbsup:

 :thumbsup: that is all.

This would make Zs better. I stopped playing zs like I did before, guess why?
Because everyone is liek: Do angreh quarantineh omg do ze infected hospital :ghost:
Well basically there is 4-5 maps that people always chooses and there is, well I don't know
like 40 maps?


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