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[APPROVED]TakeBackTheRain (Deacon)'s unattractive Reg app; Nov. 7, 2010

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TakeBackTheRain's Regular Application!!!!!one!!!!!


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32948396

In-Game Name: Deacon--(my brother's screen name, I often forget to change it)
                          TakeBackTheRain--(my screen name)

Time online: Whenever I get a turn on the account (My brother is on playing TF2 most of the time); when I'm not in school. (College is a bitch.)

Servers: Zombie Survival
                Build (believe it or not. XP)

Age: 18

Birthday: Jan. 1992

Games (on Steam): The Orange Box w/Garry's Mod

Location: Reno, NV

Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: I play enough on your Gmod servers that I just figured I may as well apply to be a regular. I should be a regular because I am on quite often and don't cause problems. Most people probably don't know who I am because of that simple fact.

If you want to contact me for anything, please contact me through Steam (see above.)

/stereotypical application
....I MEAN
Thank you so much for your time!

Peter Petrelli:
This guy is awesome, never bothers everyone.
-Great player
-Never minges
-Cool guy
           :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:

           :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:

I've played with this guy, Very nice player. Not a minge at all.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

 :thumbsup:  awesome dude and great player. never seen him rage or minge.

nice guy, still confused on the whole deacon, takebacktherain situation though lol.


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