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Scariest gamemode?

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--- Quote from: Westwinds on November 07, 2010, 09:31:11 PM ---Peetah,It doesnt matter to children.They can play ttt or other servers XD

--- End quote ---
>Age probably 12
>doesn't matter to children

PhysicX M.D.:

--- Quote from: Don on November 08, 2010, 05:07:26 AM --->Age probably 12
>doesn't matter to children

--- End quote ---
Lol.You know my age already cuz you seen it in my VIP app.

Naw we could have guessed with very high chances. basically 90% of Gmod players are like 12.

PhysicX M.D.:
LOl yeah but I seriously want to play this gamemode badly.

Horror Server? Good Idea Will Be Cool If It Was  :thumbsup:


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