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Add Trash Doves and Rnd fish emojies to Discord

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I don't think there are animated emojis in discord (yet).

Also that's a huge picture to squeeze down to emoji size.

y tho

Uploaded a version of rnd feesh with white background because black was shit.
Uploaded a non-gif trash dove for now ;o

Hank transparent-ized them so they look better
Also, failed at trying to split the emojis into multiple to make bigger ones... oh well

"For optimal emoji resolution, you can upload them in sizes up to 128x128 pixels, but keep in mind that they'll be resized to 32x32. Your emoji list will sort custom emojis by server, so they'll be easy to pick out." (https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/207619737-Adding-Emoji-Magic)



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