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Hosting a L4D2 game on Friday at 7 PM EDT (4V4)

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--- Quote from: Don on March 31, 2016, 02:31:11 PM ---Shoot me a message if I'm online, I'd be up for it

and stop being a pussy prox

--- End quote ---
Don't be so sure that I won't come, asshole.

I don't get home till like 5pm pst :/

Does it have to be this Friday? :(

Yellow Killer:
Alright, so far I 've got Cable, blah, Don, and Chris joining which only leaves 3 spots left. If you want to join but you're not sure, make sure to shoot me a message or a comment at around 6 PM if you can or can't make it. If there aren't enough players, I'll either find players on reddit, randoms, or I'll switch it to 4 player game if possible.

--- Quote from: Seb on March 31, 2016, 10:55:35 PM ---Does it have to be this Friday? :(

--- End quote ---
Yup, gotta get down on friday

○ Μαρία ○:
Sorry, I uninstalled the game awhile ago. I just don't have the want or desire to play it like I used to. However, if you were to get Tiger Guy and Prox into the same game, I might be willing.


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