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1.9 MC Server?

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Well, 1.9's been released. I've had a single-player world on it and it adds alot of stuff and makes combat a bitch. Also makes knockback no longer useless.

if anyone wants I can use my realms trial so we can have a little go and see how much we like the idea.

If you do set up a Minecraft server, Snivy, then I will more than likely begin playing again. ESPECIALLY if it's similar to that of Deacon's old server.

I've been playing single player back on ver 1.6 due to temp wifi outage at campus, and sort of rekindled my joy of the game. I would much prefer to play that than waste my free time watching Youtube videos out of boredom ._.

Edit:: Only one request, Large Biomes please

I found some plugins to make the experience better;

http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/citadel/ - Grief protection plugin that is different from the others, ties in with the others.
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/prison-pearl/ - Needs citadel or you can just permanently pearl people and keep them until you run out of gold.
http://mods.curse.com/bukkit-plugins/minecraft/juke-alert - Place a jukebox, reinforce it, and you now have a snitch that records all entries, logouts, block place and breaks within an 11 block radius!
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/combat-tag/ - Do I need to explain?
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/orebfuscator/ - So that people can't xra- Don't look at me!
http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/brewery/ - So we can get drunk, because what's life wifout vuhhtual intokicaton?


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