Discussion > Discussion
Hey I won
Hey guys, quick update on the website.
I've worked on cleaning up a lot of stuff that will let me more easily make changes.
Part of that is that the forum experience should now look nice on your mobile devices.
Let me know if you have any issues :)
Edit: Disabled video (youtube, etc.) embeds for now as I'm going to do a new html5 implementation of that for: mobile devices, less js/nonsense loading, to avoid insecure flash loading (the only place where it happens on rnd lol), etc...
Edit 2: Implemented YouTube html5 video embedding so you can see videos on mobile devices/no flash requirement for desktops (should now work for most posts - will finish full support soon including on demand loading to reduce load)
Edit 3: I allowed multiple embeds per post and implemented a way to defer loading of actual youtube content so that threads like "Rate That Song Above You" don't waste your bandwidth and beat around your browser for a few minutes everytime a page loads lol. Should be done with youtube stuff now so let me know if you have any issues.
--- Quote from: coolzeldad on August 03, 2016, 12:04:33 PM ---Hey guys, quick update on the website.
I've worked on cleaning up a lot of stuff that will let me more easily make changes.
Part of that is that the forum experience should now look nice on your mobile devices.
Let me know if you have any issues :)
--- End quote ---
Looks nice.
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