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10 Ways to Start a Converstation with a Woman


○ Μαρία ○:
I will say this guys advice is pretty good, his nightclub advice isn't something I would suggest in a public or more casual situation obviously, but being a woman myself I can vouch that these are actually pretty good methods of trying to start a non-awkward conversation with a woman who will most likely be very direct with you and save you time and effort. I think the most important thing you can remember with these techniques is to have confidence in yourself:

Damn Marie that's some great stuff. Cant wait to finally try talking to people outside of my fapping dungeon I call my room.

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: jimonions on November 18, 2015, 02:48:27 PM ---Damn Marie that's some great stuff. Cant wait to finally try talking to people outside of my fapping dungeon I call my room.

--- End quote ---

Haay lmao kai


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