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Garry's Mod window going transparent
S,o,m,e,t,i,m,e,s, ,w,h,e,n,e,v,e,r, ,I, ,p,l,a,y,,, ,G,a,r,r,y,',s, ,M,o,d, ,w,i,l,l, ,s,t,u,t,t,e,r,,, ,f,r,e,e,z,e,,, ,a,n,d, ,t,h,e,n, ,c,o,m,e, ,b,a,c,k,., ,E,v,e,r,y,t,h,i,n,g, ,w,o,r,k,s, ,n,o,r,m,a,l,l,y,,, ,e,x,c,e,p,t, ,t,h,a,t, ,t,h,e, ,w,i,n,d,o,w, ,i,s, ,t,r,a,n,s,p,a,r,e,n,t,.
I, ,c,a,n, ,u,s,e, ,v,o,i,c,e,c,h,a,t, ,e,t,c, ,b,u,t, ,t,h,e, ,m,o,u,s,e, ,i,s, ,i,n,v,i,s,i,b,l,e, ,(,e,x,c,e,p,t, ,w,h,e,n, ,i,n, ,m,a,i,n, ,m,e,n,u,),,, ,a,n,d, ,s,u,c,h,., ,T,h,e, g,a,m,e, ,w,o,r,k,s,,, ,i,t, ,j,u,s,t, ,s,h,o,w,s, ,m,y, ,d,e,s,k,t,o,p,.,
I, ,h,a,v,e, ,n,o, ,c,l,u,e, ,w,h,a,t, ,t,o, ,d,o,.,
A,l,s,o,,, ,t,h,e,r,e,',s, ,a, ,b,l,a,c,k, ,r,e,c,t,a,n,g,l,e, ,i,n, ,t,h,e, ,t,o,p,-,l,e,f,t, ,o,f, ,t,h,e, ,s,c,r,e,e,n,.,
Edited for you Cable <3
Spoiler: Original (click to show/hide)Sometimes whenever I play, Garry's Mod will stutter, freeze, and then come back. Everything works normally, except that the window is transparent.
I can use voicechat etc but the mouse is invisible (except when in main menu) and such. The game works, it just shows my desktop.
I have no clue what to do.
Also, there's a black rectangle in the top-left of the screen.
Screenshot if possible? Is your gmod windowed, fullscreen?
Have you tried alt tabbing?
Alt enter?
I added more commas.
Spoiler: Original (click to show/hide)Sometimes whenever I play, Garry's Mod will stutter, freeze, and then come back. Everything works normally, except that the window is transparent.
I can use voicechat etc but the mouse is invisible (except when in main menu), and such. The game works, it just shows my desktop.
I have no clue what to do.
Also, there's a black rectangle in the top-left of the screen.
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