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Reuse knife

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--- Quote from: Malaka on November 06, 2010, 02:55:58 PM ---If you guys spent your time to read the whole thing...I said it will do about 50 damage....making it WEAK. Also it takes like 10 seconds to pull out giving a innocent the chance to catch you. Also Let me add this....The moment you take the knife out  it makes a loud *slush* away your position.

--- End quote ---

Lol assuming i didn't read your 4 sentenes...

even with 50% damage its still over powered

» Magic «:
hmm not a bad idea...

added poll

Not a good idea. Voting no because it would make the traitor overpowered.

Peter Petrelli:
Umm no.

No it'll be innocents knives rape.


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