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Situation in Baltimore MD
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So as some of you may or may not have heard, there are riots going on in Maryland at the moment. Riots over the "debatable" arrest and murder of a man named Freddie Grey. If you'd like some more information, here are some link to a few news articles:
Mother catching her son in the riots: https://instagram.com/p/1_i4WBSNGa/
To put things short, everything is going to shit, people [mostly if not completely black people] are destroying, looting and just making fucking chaos in Maryland over what they believe is "justice". My father was just in Baltimore early yesterday-day before yesterday, and managed to leave the state before shit hit the fan. If he hadn't I would have honestly feared for his life, since innocent people are getting dragged into this shit.
Now I am on tumblr frequently, and I of course have already caught a glimpse of the shit people are saying on how this shit is "justified" or how "blacklivematter" but everyone else can basically just die. I am honestly fucking disgusted by this whole situation. I think out of everything I've seen or read about this problem, this is probably the honest response to this situation posted by someone:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)"You reap what you sow. If you spend years teaching that one race are the oppressors and one race are the victims this is what you get. Pandering white guilt liberals constantly picking at the wound and throwing gas on the fires of racial tension get you this nonsense. You convinced these mostly young black people that they are all targets for some system run by white people that by virtue of being white hates them…of course this is how they react. And now those actions are going to be used to justify, grow and foster the very prejudiced attitudes these rioters are pissed about in the first place. The best way to shed the prejudice that people like you are violent criminals is not to commit violent crime en masse.
This isn’t the first time this has happened and it wont be the last. How long has it been since Ferguson? Are we really that short sighted? Destroying businesses and terrorizing your city is the exact opposite way to improve your situation. I blame the SJW professors and college know it all liberals sowing discontent with their racist garbage theories. Inventing terms like white privilege, person of colour, and redefining racism to make one group the bad guys and one group the victims are all serving only to divide people and are literally tearing whole cities apart. It’s only going to get worse unless we stop this SJW lead societal suicide.
They have the races at each others throats, through feminism they’ve pitted men and women against each other. All this media fed tribalism is just distracting and dividing us. Meanwhile across the waters the caliphate grows and it figures the same people feeding all the homegrown tension want us to ignore it. “Don’t be islamophobic but fuck our own white/male/Christian countrymen! It’s almost like liberalism is self destructive by nature."
You really shouldn't take liberals that seriously.
Spoiler: Offtopic (click to show/hide)Liberalism is the greatest threat that the Western civilization is facing right now. It is a self destructive ideology in its current form. In fact it is actually not that much different from communism. Here are the reasons why:
1. Communism's main enemy were the wealthier people, businessmen, etc. which were being blamed for inequality in societies and poverty. Liberals also have their main enemy which practically are the native people of their countries(European-Americans). You can literally say that they hate themselves.
2. Communism had atheist policy and now you also have liberals telling you how bigoted Christianity is (meanwhile completely tolerating Islam at the same time despite the fact that it's more radical then Christianity). The only God and religion that liberals belive in nowadays is "tolerance" (which in the real world means that you can't criticize blacks, gays, muslims and other kind of minorities as well as saying that whites are evil racists)
Wait a minute did I just listed muslims and blacks/immigrants as a minority? Did you know that Islam is the worlds fastest growing religion? Did you know that by the year 2050 it is predicted that European-Americans will become the minority in the USA? Did you also know that the most popular baby name in London is Muhammad?
All of this makes the liberals feel really good.
3. The main goal of Communism was to create a classless society, liberals are also actively working towards. With movements such as feminism, transgenderism and shit like that they are saying that gender is a social construct, that a person can choose whichever gender he/she wants to be, some also think that there are more then 2 genders. Does this not sound crazy? Another thing liberals are doing to achieve their "tolerant society free of hate" is destruction of Christianity as well as eradication of nationalism, national values etc. This erodes the individual's concept of belonging to any kind of group( gender, country, race, ect) and by going further down this path you have a world of people who don't have national identities, common moral and value systems. Basically they are destroying every single value that the Western civilization was built on.
I'm sure that there are more common traits that Liberalism shares with Communism but I believe I've listed enough of them, therefore I can surely say that Liberalism is Cultural Marxism. Also keep in mind that majority of liberals don't even have a clue where they're going and what they're doing (referring to what I've said) when they preach their ideas. They truly believe that they're fighting for the right cause without even realizing what is happening and what is going to happen next.
Also notice how liberals, who are proud of being tolerant, react to other opinions that are different then their own. You'll find nothing tolerant in that.
As for the riots itself, I can only say a few things. First of all, if you look a little bit closer to each of those sensational cases in which a white policeman kills a black man, it's very easy to tell that it wasn't only the policeman's fault. I'm not too much into this particular event of Freddie Grey, but in all other cases when blacks started rioting after a black man got killed it was more then obvious that it all could have been easily avoided if the black man would have just complied to the police officer. Instead, they tried to pull off some stupid shit. The police in those situations was just overreacting at worst. So this whole idea about massive racism and power abuse in police is just ridiculous.
On the other hand, these kind of riots and savagery by blacks also make me have some "controversial" thoughts about them.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I am a terrible person.
According to the internet this was someone's reaction picture to people burning flags in Baltimore.
Monorail Cat:
--- Quote from: Prox on April 28, 2015, 12:08:35 PM --- Spoiler (click to show/hide)You really shouldn't take liberals that seriously.
Spoiler: Offtopic (click to show/hide)Liberalism is the greatest threat that the Western civilization is facing right now. It is a self destructive ideology in its current form. In fact it is actually not that much different from communism. Here are the reasons why:
1. Communism's main enemy were the wealthier people, businessmen, etc. which were being blamed for inequality in societies and poverty. Liberals also have their main enemy which practically are the native people of their countries(European-Americans). You can literally say that they hate themselves.
2. Communism had atheist policy and now you also have liberals telling you how bigoted Christianity is (meanwhile completely tolerating Islam at the same time despite the fact that it's more radical then Christianity). The only God and religion that liberals belive in nowadays is "tolerance" (which in the real world means that you can't criticize blacks, gays, muslims and other kind of minorities as well as saying that whites are evil racists)
Wait a minute did I just listed muslims and blacks/immigrants as a minority? Did you know that Islam is the worlds fastest growing religion? Did you know that by the year 2050 it is predicted that European-Americans will become the minority in the USA? Did you also know that the most popular baby name in London is Muhammad?
All of this makes the liberals feel really good.
3. The main goal of Communism was to create a classless society, liberals are also actively working towards. With movements such as feminism, transgenderism and shit like that they are saying that gender is a social construct, that a person can choose whichever gender he/she wants to be, some also think that there are more then 2 genders. Does this not sound crazy? Another thing liberals are doing to achieve their "tolerant society free of hate" is destruction of Christianity as well as eradication of nationalism, national values etc. This erodes the individual's concept of belonging to any kind of group( gender, country, race, ect) and by going further down this path you have a world of people who don't have national identities, common moral and value systems. Basically they are destroying every single value that the Western civilization was built on.
I'm sure that there are more common traits that Liberalism shares with Communism but I believe I've listed enough of them, therefore I can surely say that Liberalism is Cultural Marxism. Also keep in mind that majority of liberals don't even have a clue where they're going and what they're doing (referring to what I've said) when they preach their ideas. They truly believe that they're fighting for the right cause without even realizing what is happening and what is going to happen next.
Also notice how liberals, who are proud of being tolerant, react to other opinions that are different then their own. You'll find nothing tolerant in that.
As for the riots itself, I can only say a few things. First of all, if you look a little bit closer to each of those sensational cases in which a white policeman kills a black man, it's very easy to tell that it wasn't only the policeman's fault. I'm not too much into this particular event of Freddie Grey, but in all other cases when blacks started rioting after a black man got killed it was more then obvious that it all could have been easily avoided if the black man would have just complied to the police officer. Instead, they tried to pull off some stupid shit. The police in those situations was just overreacting at worst. So this whole idea about massive racism and power abuse in police is just ridiculous.
On the other hand, these kind of riots and savagery by blacks also make me have some "controversial" thoughts about them.
--- End quote ---
This honestly could not be said any better. I'm going to steal some of the stuff you said because you said it so well. Thank you.
Cake Faice:
I love how white people are rooting the looters on, joining them, sympathizing with their "centuries of oppression and abuse". Police Brutality is a grey area subject, loads of examples of actual brutality/racism and examples of people being stupid toward police, and I quite frankly have no idea what happened to Freddie Grey during transportation to die with so many injuries, but destroying your own town isn't the answer. That's just proving the stereotype of black people. Not to mention Grey had at least 18 previous arrests, so god knows what his motives were.
People are fucking morons when they say "Oh but MLK lead a peaceful protest and he was killed by violence! Peaceful protest does nothing! Violence teaches lessons!". Yeah, and shortly after his death, the rest of America dismantled segregation, proving a peaceful protest can accomplish something. It's actually relieving to see some town citizens protecting the police and cleaning up the mess that looters left. All of this shit started with Trevyon Martin and giving every black person the green card to "NO JUSTICE NO PEACE" in every police-on-black riot, pulling the racism card where ever they go, bringing down society with them.
But come on, fucking up the lives of countless other innocent citizens and business owners? Watching footage of the 1992 Los Angeles riots pisses me off enough knowing that people unwillingly beat the shit out of people that had nothing to do with the problem, this current riot trend is just fucking awful.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Kek
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