Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Ban Appeal By Unrealistic Hacker


Unrealistic Hacker:
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)

2. Players Nickname
    Unrealistic Hacker

4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
    Ultimate Chimera Hunt

5. Description of the event(s)
    I don't know what happened as I have never been to the server (my name has always been Unrealistic Hacker, don't know how Unrealistic Shit got there)

6. Reason for appeal
    Banned even though I have never played on the server

7. Screenshots or demo(s)
   None available as I have never played on the server

8. Link to source ban page

  I just found the server today and when I joined I was shocked that I was suddenly banned so I made an account this try to get unbanned. I have never changed my name to Unrealistic Shit and you can check my profile for proof, here's the link to my Steam page:
  I would like it if I was unbanned as I have been recently wanting to play the game mode.

Your steam profile alias proves nothing. The ban occurred on 2-11-13, more than a year ago. The alias only shows the last 10 names you've changed and that's a long time for more than 10.

We used to have a bunch more servers at the time (TTT, ZS). Says you were banned for team killing so I guess that applies to TTT.

Monorail Cat:
Honestly, I don't see why he shouldn't be unbanned.  Not my decision, but I give a +1 for him.  That was 2 years ago, he probably just came on a trolling run, and forgot about it.

I'll probably unban you in a bit since there's just 1 ban on record and the reason of it was teamkilling.

Been over a year since the ban on ttt, unbanned.

Play nice and have fun on the server.


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