Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

[APPROVED]slowpoke. o.o??? app 5/11/2010

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.slowpoke. o.o??? Regular Application!

Steam:  iwanttoplaygm1

SteamID: (# 376 ".slowpoke. o.o???" STEAM_0:1:30172236 00:37 328 0 active)

In-Game Name:  .slowpoke. o.o???

Time online: ~4 hours

Servers: TTT and onslaught

Age: 17

Birthday: 12.01.1993

Games (on Steam): garry's mod

Location: Europe

Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: i will play on ur servers every day and don't break the rules.

Contributions to RND: dunno lol

>I hope my post will be approved, random servers are the only thing i have :(. <

Kenny Mccormick:
playe with him raged ALOT and telling that that guy haz aimbots and stuff rages alot...  :thumbsdown: but only sometimes hes friendly


--- Quote from: Dr.Vannacutt on November 05, 2010, 04:23:44 AM ---playe with him raged ALOT and telling that that guy haz aimbots and stuff rages alot...  :thumbsdown: but only sometimes hes friendly

--- End quote ---
Yeah, sometimes i'm writing "I hate *something*". Is that bad? No any rage. I'm writing it just for fun. I don't think it can be bad, lol.

It's time to evolve into Slowbro, mate.

In what country of Europe are you?

Approve because of your last sentence.


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