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one traitor wep XD
--- Quote from: rocket50 on November 05, 2010, 03:34:02 PM ---Hurting people would be a dead giveaway that its a traitor weapon, how about if you press E, nothing happens, so people might spam it until it goes to 0.
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Hrm your right.. It should remove 50 health on use. SO people will lose alot of health or die if already hurt.
i say nein :nu: :no:
A better idea would be some device that turns a detectives health station into like a bomb or something
like C4, but doesn't beep.
but there would have to be some kind of really stupid thing that would give it away if you don't do it right as traitor.
like maybe the health station actually says "SAPPED" instead of "CHARGING" once you've planted it, but if you can just make sure that people are occupied elsewhere, then it won't matter. idk.
--- Quote from: Malaka on November 05, 2010, 06:11:02 PM ---Hrm your right.. It should remove 50 health on use. SO people will lose alot of health or die if already hurt.
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I didnt say that.
Or a traitor weapon that plants a c4 in a health station. like the more people who use it, the c4's damage and radius increases :D
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