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Any mappers willing to edit these two maps to make them suit for ZS?

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The mapper Sgt. Sickness made a bunch of great maps, Christmastown, Silent Hill, ETC, but two of these maps would be very suitable for ZS if properly edited (with his permission of course)

Silent Hill - Based off the video game series.  A great map in my opinion for Zombie Survival, But there are flaws in it which need to me edited.
 - Fog  Way to thick for ZS (suitable for RP and stuff but no ZS) - lower it but not to much so it still has an effect to the map.
 - Size - Way to big, half the size of Wiremodbuild map. It has two sides to the map (a western and eastern) western is bigger (but has the hospital, gunshop, etc) the east side has a school, church, houses, its bigger then the other side. Someone has to decide which side to cut out.

Mesa State Hospital - Great map! It has two versions, A creepy decrepit rome and a modern - one that doesnt look decript at all, there roughly the same, besides textures & some doors. Still pretty damn big, But WAY smaller then silent hill, its corridors are confusing and windy making for a great creepy experience.

And could someone make a map on a boat? like the titanic.

Pictures could be nice.

Ive played silent hill map, not sure about the other one

would require only little editing so i can fit that into my workload

need permission from original map makers to configure their work >>>>> dont look at me

if cannot get permission because unavaliable (no contact info) then go ahead and remake

unless anyone else wants to edit these i can do eet



--- Quote from: jimonions on August 10, 2010, 03:15:43 AM ---Ive played silent hill map, not sure about the other one

would require only little editing so i can fit that into my workload

need permission from original map makers to configure their work >>>>> dont look at me

if cannot get permission because unavaliable (no contact info) then go ahead and remake

unless anyone else wants to edit these i can do eet

decompile>overview> ??? ?>profit

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ill do it


» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Tomcat on August 10, 2010, 09:27:09 AM ---ill do it


--- End quote ---

dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuun


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