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Poll Topics
Hey everyone, how about we have user submitted poll topics as well.
If they seem workable then I'll pick a random one every now and then and post it as the global poll for that week.
Be sure to include both the question and the answers :peachpacmanghost:
1)Which browser do you prefer to use?
1. Firefox
2. Google Chrome
3. Opera
4. Internet Explorer
5. Safari(lol)
2)What kind of music do you listen to most of the time?
1. Dubstep(Skrillex)
2. Drum and bass
3. Pop music
4. Death meatle/Metal(sabb)
5. Country music
6. Symphony
7. Electronic music
8-99. Other music styles that are well known
3)Which 4chan board do you visit the most?
1. /a/
2. /b/
3. /k/
4. /v/
5. /pol/
6. /sp/
7. /tv/
(or you can just put every single board to the vote)
8. I don't go to 4chan.
9. I like le reddit more :D
4)Which country do you like/hate the most?(two different polls)
1. USA(dog bless ameriga :D)
2. Russia
3. China
4. Japan
5. Poland
6. Britain(u fockin wot m8)
7. Germany
8. France
9. Australia
10. India
11. Israel(greatest ally)
12. Iran
13. Saudi Arabia
14. Whatever else you want on the list.
15. I like/hate all countries(fag)
5)What are you best at in school? (maybe people should be able to select more then one option for this)
1. Exact science (mathematics, physics, chemistry etc.)
2. Languages
3. Arts
4. History
5. Geography
6. Sports
7. Biology
8-99. Other subjects
Your fav drink
* Water
* Vegetable or Fruit (Orange juice etc)
* Coke
* Pepshi
* Energy Drink (Red Bull etc)
maybe need add morez
Instruments you play:
1. Guitar
2. Piano
3. Bass
4. Violin
5. Drums
Favorite movie genre:
1. Action
2. Horror
3. Thriller
4. Fantasy
5. Animation (Pixar movies and such)
6. Comedy
How do you wipe:
1. Standing
2. Bending over
Biggest Plebian:
1. Fuzsion
2. Fuzsion
3. Fuzsion
4. Fuzsion
5. Fuzsion
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I kid, obviously.
Favorite Valve Game?
1. HL1
2. HL2
3. HL2 Ep 1
4. HL2 Ep 2
5. HL2 DM
6. Portal
7. Portal 2
8. CS 1.6
9. CS:S
10. CS:GO
11. Left 4 Dead
12. Left 4 Dead 2
13. Day Of Defeat: Source
14. DOTA 2
15. Alien Swarm
16. Team Fortress 2
17. Ricochet (lol)
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