Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hello people :^)


Hi, I'm Cypher.

I was told to register an account on these forums so that someone could show me a post they made a while back, but Lazerblade was smart and screenshot the picture to save time.

I like playing video games with friendly communities and taking long walks on beaches.

I've played a few games with some of you already, and they were fun.

Here's my account info, so feel free to add me :^)
League of Legends - Cyphersoul

Yo, welcome to rANdOm! I'm sure you'll have a great time here with all the gameservers available and all the cool people who frequent the forums and the games!

This Cactus:

--- Quote from: Frank on January 14, 2014, 09:18:49 PM ---Yo, welcome to rANdOm! I'm sure you'll have a great time here with all the gameservers available and all the cool people who frequent the forums and the games!

--- End quote ---

welcomez to teh forumz ;D

welcomez to teh forumz  :party:


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