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Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics for free

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Tiger Guy:
For the next 28 hours atleast.


Get it while you can.

Thank you, Tiger Guy.

Get it it's completely worth it. fallout 1 and fallout 2 has some interesting things like a talking death claw :D and also cassidy's dad that one hoe from new vegas who always drinks in the bar and you get to learn about the super mutant history from the person who created them called the "Master" and also the games all together are just really fun.

Very nice.  Thanks Tiger, cheers.  :party:


--- Quote from: saivon on December 12, 2013, 08:01:27 PM ---Get it it's completely worth it. fallout 1 and fallout 2 has some interesting things like a talking death claw :D and also cassidy's dad that one hoe from new vegas who always drinks in the bar and you get to learn about the super mutant history from the person who created them called the "Master" and also the games all together are just really fun.

--- End quote ---

I seriously hate the fact that we have to fight Super Mutants at the start of Fallout 3, yet the funny thing in Fallout 1 is that they're one of the toughest enemies around.


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