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Expanding Our Horizons: Addition of New Servers

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Monorail Cat:
Hey.  So, as many people here know, our community is discussing topics such as the "activity decline", removal of certain servers/gamemodes, and addition of new servers/gamemodes.  Well, I have noticed that there is not a direct thread addressing how we can solve all of this.  So, here you go.


The problem:  Supposed "Activity Decline"

The solution:  We need more people!

To accomplish this, I suggest a few things. 

* We should re-boot the Minecraft server.
* Set up a DarkRP server Spoiler (click to show/hide)Yes, I know.  It was attempted, and it attracts little kids.  I personally love DarkRP for the building aspect, connected with the economy aspect.  I would most likely be active in that server quite a bit.  In fact, I created this post with a bit of motivation from Marie's post a couple days ago:  Spoiler (click to show/hide)
--- Quote from: ○ Marie ○ on November 17, 2013, 03:32:00 PM ---Clearly rNd isn't dead, or no one would be in this current discussion talking. rNd isn't just the servers, it's the community as well. I personally believe we should consider branching off and finding other game modes to host as well. While Gmod is all fun and all, but more variety I think would definitely be a boost. Also I always add this in, even though I know it won't (can't) be considered currently, but I really do believe strongly that a dark RP server of some kind would heavily increase our population. People flock to those things like ants flock to a fallen piece of food. I know a lot of people would say "Oh but that attracts annoying children" let's be a little honest to ourselves guys, most gamemodes attract children, I mean hell I was 12 fucking years old when I started playing gmod. TTT has never really been one of my favorite gamemodes, so I personally couldn't care if it went down or not, but I do believe we could use a new gamemode/game that is sure to draw attention.

--- End quote ---
She puts it perfectly.  We need these little kids.
* This one may not be possible, but it would be great, I think.  We should combine the ZS server with TTT.  Make it so that they are both on the same server.  At the end of each round, players can vote for next gamemode, and next map.  It would appease the people who want TTT to stay and the people who want TTT replaced.
* Addition of gamemodes to Fretta, such as Flood, Crash n' Smash, Pirate Wars, Smash, and Buses from HellSpoiler (click to show/hide)Flood thread:
Crash n' Smash thread:
Pirate Wars thread:
Smash thread:
Buses from Hell thread:
* TF2?  Hell, why not?  People love TF2.  It's one of the most popular games on Steam.  Again, I understand, kids, eww, but that's where we get new members.
* Expand our view beyond these two games.  I know people here play other games as well.  Possible community outreach:

* EVE: Online (Someone set us up a corp!)
* Tribes: Ascend (We could have a clan here, I hate playing alone)
* Guns of Icarus Online (This is a great game, but not much fun to play with strangers)
* Etc, etc.  (We can't just think of TF2 and Gmod as the only games out there!)
* Other games I know of, but don't really know if they are popular/demanding enough that they should have a server:  CS:S,  Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, CS:GO, [insert ideas here]
* I kind-of hinted at this earlier:  We could add clans!  Have forum child-boards dedicated to certain clans, such as a clan for EVE, Tribes, Guns of Icarus, Defcon, Planetside 2, etc.  These clans are just pretty much anyone who plays these games.  That means you could be in as many clans as you want, as long as you play the game.  It's not supposed to be a competitive thing.  Think of it.... more as a miniature badge-system, just with no badges or aesthetic addition to your profile.  This would be nice, so that you could always know who to play with or invite.  Spoiler (click to show/hide)I understand that clans wouldn't really attract new players, but it kinda fit with where I was going.I think that just about sums up all of my ideas, and the ideas of others I know about.  I'm not AT ALL saying that ALL of this should be implemented, no, that's too much.  But I definitely feel like the following are the best opportunities, listed by importance (1&2 kinda tie):

* Clans!
* DarkRP!
* Add stuff to Fretta!
* TF2 Server.
* Everything else.
I personally would love to see these ideas take action, especially in EVE: Online (A corp here would be nice, I want to get back into that game, and it would attract an entirely different playerbase) and Tribes: Ascend (I volunteer to lead that clan, assuming this all pulls through.  I love the game!)

So, in the end, all of this was thought up with the purpose of "expanding our horizons" and getting more people to join the community.  I don't want this to evolve into a "TTT SUX REMOVE IT" or "WHO THE HELL LIKES TF2" board.  This is not an argument board, it is a suggestion board.  We can discuss the benefits of everything, but please don't start fights.

AND REMEMBER:  I am NOT saying all of these ideas should be implemented, I'm just giving a bucket of ideas, and seeing where it goes.  It would be neat to see a lot of this stuff happen, but if it can't, oh well.  It's all an idea.

Thanks for taking the time to read, and please, reply with comments discussing these ideas. 

Well I like alot of the ideas, but there is one thing i'd like to state many members have left because they are tired of GMOD so I think we should try and stay away from alot of GMOD gamemodes. I do suggest bringing back minecraft and MAYBE a TF2 server since alot of people still play that regularly, and since the Fretta server still has regular population i do also agree on expanding maybe even including a point shop.

where's cs:go

Vanilla minecraft would be good

or maybe Minecraft server with 3 faction only instead of everyone creating their own faction

Monorail Cat:

--- Quote from: yoshi on November 28, 2013, 08:38:58 PM ---where's cs:go

--- End quote ---

That's pretty much included with CS:S/other games, and the part where I said [insert idea here].  That was pretty much for stuff like this.  I would love a CS:GO clan/server, I just didn't mention it.  Sorry :3  I'll go ahead and add that in.


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