Technology (Read Only) > Computers

Time and date keeps reseting everytime I turn PC on

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Everyday when I turn my PC on the time and date resets to 2005.01.01  00:00. I am also unable to use the speaker option as well as see any small icons besides Steam and Razer synapse next to it (I'm referring to those small icons on the bottom right on the screen). Why is this happening and how do I fix it?

About the time and date, your motherboard battery may have ran out of charge. It keeps the clock running when the computer is off. Usually it's a button battery CR2302 on the motherboard somewhere so just replace that.

Like Blah said, probably a BIOS/mobo problem.

Cmos battery on your mobo. Replace it. Your mobo uses volitile memory to store bios info like time and date settings. The battery keeps the memory on when your computer is off. So when it runs out you get the problems you specified. So do what blah said.

Okay now it seems like the problem stopped even when I didn't do anything. The time and date didn't reset for like the last 2 or 3 days now so maybe it fixed it self?


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