.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
whats with TTT
And can't you just like. You know. Wait for the map to change? xD it changes then.
--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on November 02, 2010, 06:53:28 AM ---And can't you just like. You know. Wait for the map to change? xD it changes then.
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new rnd sys saves karma across maps.
so gay. what if you have a bad round....
3 hours later u still have low damage cause u cant kill T to raise karma fast
--- Quote from: Marked One on November 02, 2010, 08:36:34 AM ---so gay. what if you have a bad round....
3 hours later u still have low damage cause u cant kill T to raise karma fast
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I was planning on talking to magic about talking to tomcat about talking to coolz about talking to pingaz to make it so you get karma when you kill T's.
The way it is, it honestly takes way too long to bring it back up. inb4-lrn2killtraitors
It's pretty fucking hard to kill a T when you have 110 karma :\
And the chances of you finding a knife to insta-kill one are even below that.
best case scenerio for any game:
you kill 2 traitors, NICE!
cunt comes in and rdms and an inno, you kill him cause thats pretty traitorous, kill an inno yaknow?
inb4 100 karma 4eva
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