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Wurm Online (looking for players) RND EDITION

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Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: TehHank on October 16, 2013, 06:42:12 AM ---Maybe in 2 weeks time during my Autumn break i might try this.

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It would be great to have you on board. How long is your break?

--- Quote from: Loke on October 16, 2013, 07:46:12 AM ---Ohok. I'll have to start this weekend. Not on weekdays because I'm too busy with social shit.

Maybe Thursday because that's when I'm always free.

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Message me tommorow. I'll have to speak to you.


--- Quote from: Dale Feles on October 16, 2013, 10:23:16 AM ---It would be great to have you on board. How long is your break?

Message me tommorow. I'll have to speak to you.

--- End quote ---
It's roughly 12 days or so.


--- Quote from: Loke on October 15, 2013, 07:53:22 PM ---Didn't I play with you and Unit?

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I liked Wurm, specifically because of the survival factor and how deeply detailed everything was (game mechanics, farming, item durability etc), but I feel like for me to even contribute or play again, I'd need 7-8 hours free time... As of now I can barely stretch out 4 hours without being preoccupied with something/sleeping. I'd hate to be doing something vitally important to us, and then goof and cause everything to asdf.

Right now, I dunno. I think I'd be available towards December.

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on October 17, 2013, 01:09:51 PM ---I liked Wurm, specifically because of the survival factor and how deeply detailed everything was (game mechanics, farming, item durability etc), but I feel like for me to even contribute or play again, I'd need 7-8 hours free time... As of now I can barely stretch out 4 hours without being preoccupied with something/sleeping. I'd hate to be doing something vitally important to us, and then goof and cause everything to asdf.

Right now, I dunno. I think I'd be available towards December.

--- End quote ---

I understand you. No rush to it, chances are by that time I'll be on the elevation with all the pvp and raids and stuff. Myself I find it hard to play sometimes. I normally take 1 hour each day to farm, take care of animals etc of our village. Also this time it won't only be you and me, there'll be more people.

It'd be interesting to see again.

Dale Feles:

Restarted playing with Apie. If any of you are interested in joining, feel free to add me on steam. Would be nice to get a rNd village going on.


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