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U.S Government Shutdown
Yeah, the new large tokamak holds large expectations. If we can sustain a reaction like that at a level magnitudes higher of current forms than we may be able to power it's operation as well as extra power left over. Theoretically if done right we shouldn't accrue waste particles. Of course this is the desired effects and is the first of it's size so it will be some time before we see any commercial response to these if it indeed does get perfected. It's exciting stuff and I'm sure we will learn a lot from it.
On that note the NIF (national ignition facility) which uses 192 lasers to crush a fuel pellet for fusion just achieved break even with regards to energy put into the fuel and energy got out. Which is impressive considering the lasers output 500 terawatts. A major milestone in the road to fusion energy.
Also the neutron radiation issue is a problem, but it isn't a dealbreaker. The levels as to which it will irradiate the reactor walls isn't ultra high nor is it long lived <100 years usually. The materials weakening and heat loss from the plasma is a more significant problem on that front.
On the government shutdown note I am pissed as my dad can't fish for king crab as the agency that gives out crab fishing permits is part of the shutdown. So we are stuck sitting on our hands burning fuel.
Honestly it is both parties fault for being incapable of resolving situations. And then treating the American public as barganing chips for their power play games.
Found the answer: http://www.collegehumor.com/embed/6923442/obamas-favorite-pokemon
<end non-serious reply>
--- Quote from: CodeKyuubi on October 09, 2013, 11:29:55 PM ---Fusion was always a good idea. Implementing it is another story. Scientists have been trying to achieve nuclear fusion for a century. The problem with conventional fusion power is that, even with the most powerful lasers in the world to induce fusion, and the most advanced technology, we still have energy loss between creating the energy to power the fusion reaction and the energy that is produced from it.
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If you watch the video it says exactly the opposite.
--- Quote from: CodeKyuubi on October 09, 2013, 11:29:55 PM ---Using ITER's tech also introduces an alleged problem: The energy they create is so intense that it would damage the materials the machine is made of, and the neutron bombardment of an insufficiently resistant material would cause radioactivity of said material.
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Well I'm sure that they are making a machine that will be able to sustain fusion reaction for long periods of time otherwise why bother to build one in the first place?
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