.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

I'm still alive. Just broken.

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Monorail Cat:
Hang in there, man.  I forgot where I heard this quote, but it goes a little somethin like this:  "When life closes a door on you, don't be so upset that you fail to see the next one open."  I've been in similar (however less extreme) circumstances a couple times, and I know it sucks.  Just don't let depression rule your life.  I hope you feel better soon.   

McDreary The Hapless Hamster:
I've stopped smoking over the past few days. The feeling hasn't changed much. I just feel like how I'm comprehending things has changed a little. Tonight I noticed how much I'm annoyed by how much my friends assume I do so much with them in mind. Like one of my best friends assumes if I buy cans of tea that one must be for him. And that I bought my ecig for him and I to share when he has his own and is just to poor to buy stuff for it after he buys a lot of shit.


--- Quote from: McDreary The Hapless Hamster on September 26, 2013, 09:02:06 PM ---I've stopped smoking over the past few days. The feeling hasn't changed much.

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Even if the feeling hasn't changed, smoking doesn't make it better either. But good for you going cold turkey for a few days.

McDreary The Hapless Hamster:
Weed never made me more depressed either, at least not to a point I've noticed. It's mostly just given me more ability to think about where the persons who have played a part in bringing me down are coming from. Like  it helped me realize instead of being angry at a rapist and a little but at her for not reporting him, I learned that I need to support her recovering from trauma.but now that I haven't heard from her in over a month I figure her parents went overprotective on her and I will never hear from her again.


--- Quote from: saivon on September 26, 2013, 05:21:56 PM ---It's funny how you are starting to become very condescending

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I beg to differ. And it's not like you would know, the only time you actually "talk" to me is when you come into my TS3 channel to shout random shit at me then leave. But let's not derail further and be on our ways, I don't want to argue anymore, especially not here.


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