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Bringing back Annonyboard
○ Μαρία ○:
Honestly, I never really minded the anon boards all that much, I mean yeah it could be irritating not being able to really "defend yourself" over shit, but I actually liked being able to hear what people thought about me, or other people, even if it wasn't always very positive. It made me think over things that I did that might have come off as annoying, making me reconsider how I went about things so I didn't come off a certain way to others. Though I understand not everyone is as tolerant (nor do they have to be) of trash talk or hard words.
I don't honestly think Anon would be as interesting without there being people who will occasionally be negative, I mean lets be real here, the ab was basically empty until people came in and started talking shit. The only problem was that others can't deal with people talking bad about them.
Now do I think people should have to deal or tolerate those types of things, no, which is why I think if we were to put the ab back up, we should put up a general warning that you are viewing the board at your own risk, and that it could contain hurtful or otherwise offensive things that you choose to take to heart or not. The board is not very public and quite frankly very easy to avoid. A lot of members before when shit was happening didn't even know where or what the ab was. The only people it's hurting are people who choose to view it. I do think there should be a general rule like "No posting personal or otherwise confidential information about other members without their permission." Ex. Nudes, phone numbers, addresses, maybe names.
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: ○ Marie ○ on September 04, 2013, 05:04:21 PM --- Ex. Nudes, phone numbers, addresses, maybe names.
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--- Quote ---Nudes,
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--- Quote ---Nudes,
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--- Quote ---Nudes,
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--- Quote ---Nudes,
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Because I've always wanted to see nudes of Tiger Guy and Sabb.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: Cake Faice on September 04, 2013, 05:53:39 PM ---Because I've always wanted to see nudes of Tiger Guy and Sabb.
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You have to pay for that. I'm not cheap.
Bomb Squad:
--- Quote from: ○ Marie ○ on September 04, 2013, 05:04:21 PM ---Ex. Nudes
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Who the fuck would send nudes to someone on RND?
Are you bringing up this example because it's happened before? o.o
○ Μαρία ○:
--- Quote from: Bomb Squad on September 04, 2013, 08:14:41 PM ---Who the fuck would send nudes to someone on RND?
Are you bringing up this example because it's happened before? o.o
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I am bringing up this example because it is an example of something personal, nudes can extend to intentionally done, to unintentionally done, or black mail. No matter the majority of the gender in a certain community, it should always be aware that exploiting someone because you have personal photos of them is not tolerated here, male or female.
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