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Tomcat Admin Abuse

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Hi guys sorry for this being the first report on random ut i must inform you that tomcat is admin abusing soryy but i don have any screen shots cuzi didnt have fraps runningi was playing .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Zombie Survival today and we were play 1me_deathlab and the round just ended and i left the game becuz it sayed your are abnned from the server and the reason was reason: magic if you fucking touch this again i will end you. he syas that becuz magic was kind and unnbanned me but now im rebannned so if you think tomcat is admin abusing put this face :abuse:  in the replies. thx sincerly,

Mypeople 8

(User was banned for this post ("Dumb" - Tomcat))


we will demote and permaban Tomcat as soon as we can. Until then, please keep calling him a faggot.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

thx don ADMIN ABUSE lol TOMCAT  :gtfo:


--- Quote from: Don on August 09, 2010, 07:45:49 PM ---Hello,
we will demote and permaban Tomcat as soon as we can. Until then, please keep calling him a faggot.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

--- End quote ---


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