Bans (Read Only) > Approved
[UNBANNED]Ban appeal [10-26-10]
At that date i get banned by magic because i sad: I have cheats,
I have cheats is my bind because of a server with chat sounds.
I didnt use h4x(like magic sad) but i only sad i did because of the chat sound from a other server., i didnt know how to put a image there
Im sorry, that i sad i have cheats. After that i imediatly unbinded that. (My excuses for my bad english.)
Are you sure you didnt use bacon bot? Because, binds dont trigger VAC. Derp.
Go ask magic, hes the one that banned you, hes the one that might unban you.
--- Quote from: rocket50 on October 30, 2010, 08:24:34 AM ---Are you sure you didnt use bacon bot? Because, binds dont trigger VAC.
--- End quote ---
... And you said you can read?
--- Quote from: Don on October 30, 2010, 08:34:14 AM ---... And you said you can read?
--- End quote ---
I dont trust him in saying he didnt hack
EDIT: I trust Magic's judgement more than bacon's words.
» Magic «:
Most hacks have that feature because their creators want to get their users banned, unless you have proof that you haven't used hacks then go ahead a QQ
Give me a screenshots of the garrysmod folder's with last modified date on them
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