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TTT New Traitor-Weapon

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--- Quote from: Westwinds on October 30, 2010, 10:10:25 AM ---what he meant was that for traitors shud have a silenced sniper.for 2 credits will be fair XD

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oooohhhhhh....I already seen post about a good sniper for the Traitor, all failed.

Use Spell Check next time and btw, keyboards have Enter Buttons.  ^-^


--- Quote from: DarkFire on October 30, 2010, 07:12:52 AM ---I think we should add a Traitor sniper rifle. Sometimes, when I'm a traitor, sniper is really usefull. Traitor sniper rifle should have the silencer thing so the innocents couldn't hear it when someone is shooting at them also I think sniper should do 35 damage and there would be a 1 bullet in one clip so it would not make traitors too over powered. Headshot should be an insta kill and the traitor sniper should have very high accuracy since you need to reload it each time you use it. Traitors should aim to the head for an insta kill.

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Why people keeps making thread like that? omg add this and this and dat to ttt it would be pingaz
The 'ol good sniper rifle is what you need and it's even better then this one that you are suggesting.
So I say no because I think it would be useless.

Lazer Blade:
hmmm i like  :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: DarkFire on October 30, 2010, 07:12:52 AM ---Traitor Sniper Attributes:
- High Accuracy
- Silenced
- Low Recoil

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