Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Sandyball's Regular Application
Nickname: Sandyballs
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:676343
Favorite Interests: Games, friends, baseball, and the Random Server
Favorite Servers: Random, and Haku
Time Online: Usually online from 1pm to 11pm (PST)
Age: 21
Location: California
Languages I Speak: English, Spanish
Occupation: Pepsi Merchandiser
Education: HIGH school
To whom it may concern...
Hello my name is Jayson Sandoval (Sandyballs) I enjoy playing on this server, it's my favorite server to be on. I like the people on the server and the respect for the rules. I have also been recommended by RND BJ Cumstain.
Great player, knows and respects the rules and is all around a fun person.
so a huge +1 from me.
good luck mate ;)
Bomb Squad:
I think I've seen you on the TTT server, can you specify what [other] servers you play on? You just said "the server", and not which specific one.
However, from how I'v seen you behave on the TTT servers, I think you'd be a decent candidate for regular. :thumbsup:
I have fun with him when he joins the TTT server so +1 and has a similar voice as Tiger guy.
He's a cool guy, plays fair and doesn't try to actively ruin the server, and is on fairly often.
+1 from me.
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