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Whenever my pc boots up on the bios it says my ram is in unengaged mode what does that mean?

I think you mean unganged.

What I found.

--- Quote ---It is amd's version of Nvidia's Locked vs unlocked architecture.

basically allowing you to use your ram in dual channel vs single channel.

Ganged = dual channel mode for ram. All cores get access to 100% of the ram.

unganged = single channel. Each core gets access to a stick of ram.

In theory, the unganged mode is better as each core will get access to data quicker. In theory.
--- End quote ---

Alright that makes sense now I just need to find 8gbs at least of ram but how would I know what ram is good and what's not?

» Magic «:
look at the ram that is in your computer and get the same type, it'll say like DDR3-1333 or something

Before ya do anything, how many physical sticks of ram do you have?


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