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Traitor Weapons.

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--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on November 12, 2010, 04:05:54 PM ---I say no to all 3.

Why? You might ask.

Because TTT is based on a quasi-real life experience of traitors v innocents.

You can't fucking fly, so therefore you can't become a prop and explode.
also, you can't hack in real life.
and also, you can't  shoot waffles at people.


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Can you spawn microwaves that heal people, No.
Is there really a electric weapon that disorientates people, No.
Can you have a hand-held radar device, nope.avi

So... Your reasoning has no point.

Also, I would say we need more detective weapons like a traitor tester deagle that has one shot and a awesome shotgun that I've seen on other servers just so it's actually fun to be a detective.


--- Quote from: Pryvisee on November 30, 2010, 07:48:13 AM ---Is there really a electric weapon that disorientates people, No.
Can you have a hand-held radar device, nope.avi

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--- Quote from: itsDex on November 02, 2010, 06:35:26 PM ---the only thing i use for traitor is armor, radar and c4. All I need to win is a deagle  :icecream:

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:D except for c4 i use knife :P

Tactical Turdle:
These weapons are unbalanced and too unrealistic.

NOPE.avi  :thumbsdown:


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