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Pacific Rim

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Saw it, awesome movie. First time they said Jaegars I immediately thought of Eren from Shingeki no Kyojin lol.

The only thing I was slightly disappointed by was, that they barely showed anything about those monsters. I thought they'll invade their world and try to kill their leaders or something like that.

I want a Jaegar D=

I really liked it. It pumped me up a lot, and it had a great story to it too. It was nice having some good original stuff for once instead of a sequel or something remade in 3D

Should I watch this or Atlantic Rim first?


--- Quote from: Prox on July 23, 2013, 01:59:02 AM ---I'm still waiting for it to be translated to my language or at least come out in a better quality on the website I watch my movies.

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What's wrong with watching it in English?

I watched the first 20 mins of it and got tired and just went to sleep.
It was good so far,nothing too good but just decent.


--- Quote from: ٶȻhriʂ on July 31, 2013, 07:09:11 PM ---What's wrong with watching it in English?

--- End quote ---
The movie isn't out in a good quality for me yet, in fact I think oddly enough there's only a version with Russian translation available for me at this moment. 


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