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2 problems no solution
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: saivon on July 07, 2013, 03:35:17 AM ---1. So basically save up for 4gbs of more ram? and should I get the same type of ram in my pc?
2. True wired is 100x better but with my old isp comcast I rarely almost never got huge ping increases so should I just conisder getting new a new isp?
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1. yes and yes
2. wat. just go wired or move closer, your old ISP won't be 100x better than going wired.
--- Quote from: » Magic « on July 07, 2013, 04:04:18 PM ---1. yes and yes
2. wat. just go wired or move closer, your old ISP won't be 100x better than going wired.
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1. cool
2. But i'm not saying that I was just saying I never really had problems with my old isp but how would I go wired ? I literally have no clue because the freaking router and modem is in my dad's office so what would I do I am so confuesed
--- Quote from: saivon on July 07, 2013, 05:18:59 PM ---
1. cool
2. But i'm not saying that I was just saying I never really had problems with my old isp but how would I go wired ? I literally have no clue because the freaking router and modem is in my dad's office so what would I do I am so confuesed
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There's an option if you can't get some LAN cables through the house though it will cost you maybe a good eighty dollars, which may not even be worth it.
LAN Adapters are available which work by connecting two of the units into your wall plugs - one in your dad's office and one where your PC is. If you set them up properly you could get a solid connection. That's what I've done though I'm not sure how long these things last, I've only been using it for two months.
Ok for the ram problem I need some good recommendations for at least 8 gbs Because that's really all I need
And for the LAN Adapter sounds interesting show me some links or pics etc. on how they work and I might get one.
» Magic «:
--- Quote from: saivon on July 07, 2013, 09:15:03 PM ---Ok for the ram problem I need some good recommendations for at least 8 gbs Because that's really all I need
And for the LAN Adapter sounds interesting show me some links or pics etc. on how they work and I might get one.
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