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Morbus Suggestions: "voteslay" / Suit Zoom for Morbus

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This Cactus:
I. "voteslay" (Probably more on Morbus)
 Spoiler (click to show/hide)* Bomb suggested this and he can't load the forums for some reason   A. Works like "votekick/voteban"
   B. VIPs/Admins can voteslay the following: Spoiler:  On Morbus (click to show/hide)The last afk brood alien.Spoiler:  On ZS/TTT/Other servers (click to show/hide)The violators (before comensing a votekick after s/he has done the violation again ; ' Voteslay before votekick ') *Exception: VIPs cannot voteslay on admins*
   C. Only Regs/VIPs/Admins can vote on it
   D. Passes = slay, Not = live

II. Suit Zoom for Morbus
    A. Easy details (I'm with... ; ---- is the Alien!)
    B. Modify a bit
    C. Based on the usual suit zoom like in TTT

[(Yellow = Suggestion # --)(Orange = Topic)(Teal/Cyan = Details about the topic)(Lime Green = Somehow Key Words or minor reminders)(Red = IMPORTANT reminders)]

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Sorry if it looks messy as result of the colors :<

Bomb Squad:
Forums are loading for me now.
Obviously I support the voteslay idea, and I also support the radio command idea, and if implemented it should share the same command as the TTT one so we don't have to create new binds.  :thumbsup: to both.

I was always for adding voteslay command to the game. As for the suitzoom, it also looks like a nice addition to the gamemode.
Also, what about the glitch where you don't get slower when you pick up weapons? Is it fixed yet?

This Cactus:

--- Quote from: Prox on June 29, 2013, 01:28:34 AM ---Also, what about the glitch where you don't get slower when you pick up weapons? Is it fixed yet?

--- End quote ---

You get normal speed pre-round for preparation then in result of the weight on your weapons slow you down on round start. So yea its fix'd

I strongly support the voteslay idea.Spoiler (click to show/hide) if people are worried that this could be abused, and if it is abused then the abuser should be punished with demotion.


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