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Another Facebook arguement about Hitler



This is probably the same as going out in public and yelling at crowds of people with a megaphone. It's rude and they don't care if they are wrong.

"...I'm not butt hurt..."
"...the ignorance caused by today's generations..."
"...Don't even start on me to get personal about this..."

I can't express how funny this is... how you just explode infront of these innocent people. Did you get an adenaline rush when you posted on that status? And then immediately posted it here?


--- Quote from: Alkaline on May 30, 2013, 01:38:12 PM ---This is probably the same as going out in public and yelling at crowds of people with a megaphone. It's rude and they don't care if they are wrong.

"...I'm not butt hurt..."
"...the ignorance caused by today's generations..."
"...Don't even start on me to get personal about this..."

I can't express how funny this is... how you just explode infront of these innocent people. Did you get an adenaline rush when you posted on that status? And then immediately posted it here?

--- End quote ---
Not much of a rush, but i just enjoy a good argument. I never intend anything to be an argument but then it becomes one.

* .


--- Quote from: Alkaline on May 30, 2013, 01:38:12 PM ---"...I'm not butt hurt..."
"...the ignorance caused by today's generations..."
"...Don't even start on me to get personal about this..."

--- End quote ---

I think these are the words that show that the person has failed to retaliate. I'd try not to use those phrases.


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