Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Resubmit: Shimmuh's Reg app 10-28-10

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 :nu:  :thumbsdown:   :thumbsdown:  :thumbsdown:  :thumbsdown:  :thumbsdown:

i don't even play with don hes prolly just listening to jamn whom doesn't like me :l

and lol jman .:RND`=- jman15234:I used to like u, but then once ur butt buddy shimmuh came along u became an ass towards me.

butt buddies because we share common interest?


--- Quote from: Shimmuh on October 28, 2010, 03:43:42 PM ---i don't even play with don hes prolly just listening to jamn whom doesn't like me :l

--- End quote ---
... I played with you quite a lot before lol

i truly don't recall playing with you that much and minging isn't what i do :\

everyone likes shimmuh but you and jman there is obviously some sorta connection


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