Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[3 MONTHS EA.] Teaming/Ghosting/RDMing


1. Player's SteamID
- Flareon X9 (STEAM_0:0:50782896)
- Zomow (STEAM_0:1:38974186)
- GodHatesBlacks (STEAM_0:0:22221703)
- Paco the Taco (STEAM_0:1:41114271)
- Papa Strip Pole (STEAM_0:0:3920438)

2. Players Nickname
- Flareon X9
- Zomow
- GodHatesBlacks
- Paco the Taco
- Papa Strip Pole

3. Your in-game name
- .:~RND`=-BJ_Cumstain-=

4. Server name
- Trouble in terrorist town

5. Description of the event(s)
- The server was going well and repopulating, we were all having a good time playing some TTT when 5 guys with very low karma join. We all had suspicion rdm to come but not to the extent of what occured. Obvious Ghosting and teaming and of course major RDM.

6. Reason for ban
- Teaming/Ghosting/RDMing

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

 :-[ :'( :abuse: :(

This Cactus:
Was there, they joined all at the same moment and had very low karma, went on RDMing T's and everyone else, tried contacting VIPs to join and when they left we decided to file this report :thumbsup:

Deciding to give them all 3 months though I was pretty reluctant to make that decision. You should really get more proof in the future, but considering your word as well as Cactus', and the part of the chat I can see and obviously the damage log, and finally the fact that they're all friends with at least one of another in the group, I think a fair assumption to make would be that they're a group of friends getting together to cause trouble to have fun and w.e and if you say their karma was previously low it most likely isn't the first time.
Also giving "GodHatesBlacks" an extra month for the name, though not necessary I feel like making a point that people should probably avoid using such aliases, though I doubt they'll be back any ways. Thanks for the report.


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