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Suggestions for rNd Forum Badges
--- Quote from: HideoKojima on May 11, 2013, 06:27:51 PM ---"4. A badge for taking up sports, lifting weights or any other physical activity."
Er, how would one prove they are active?
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I was more focused on providing all badges that I could think of instead of how they could be proven, but I suppose you could gather some info from a few threads that are already made.
For the star craft badge I am pretty sure we can send a link to you to our accounts and it should show some evidence of us playing the game match history etc. will that work ?
○ Μαρία ○:
--- Quote from: Alkaline on May 12, 2013, 08:40:07 AM ---ZS Champion: get the highest amount of ZS kills (obviously biased towards me)
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Already been planned :)
A Kingdom Hearts badge for users who were dedicated enough to buy every system to beat all the games. :)
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: HideoKojima on May 12, 2013, 02:20:38 PM ---A Kingdom Hearts badge for users who were dedicated enough to buy every system to beat all the games. :)
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