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What sports do you do?

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Currently I do track and wrestling.

When I was around 6-7ish, I did soccer for my elementary school and whenever they were all chasing the ball on one side, I sat down on the grass on another.

Cake Faice:
I don't really care about sports at all, but I was really into Airsofting, but then just gave up over time from it.

Don't really do sports anymore. Used to be forced to do them as a kid. Was meh.

   Right now it's mainly basketball that I play most of the time, I also play football(not handegg) and volleyball. I would love to do some combat sports like boxing, MMA etc, but the school I'm in doesn't have any combat related classes, the closest thing to it is gym class.
   I also like fishing with fishing rods but I'm not sure if that counts as sport fishing.
I suppose I could also include cycling, swimming and weight lifting too.

Used to be in martial arts for a pretty long time (about 10 years in Karate and a year/two where I just tried different kinds of martial arts). I also used to play quite a lot of soccer.

Now I play tennis from time to time or go out for a bit of cycling because I have a real nice area of grass hills close by and an empty big smooth asphalt area right next to it.
I enjoy swimming whenever I get to go to a swimming pool at Summer, but my main activity is gym, powerlifting.

It might sound like a lot, but I actually don't spend more than 2 hours each day doing sports (usually).

I want to start going out for runs to improve my stamina, but sadly I HATE running, so I'm trying to find a way to make it more fun lol.
I'm also thinking about going back to martial arts, but to something different this time like Kendo or Kung Fu.


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