Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!

Hello< Shurikenlord here.

(1/5) > >>

Name's Shurikenlord, but you may call me Nova or shuri which ever one you want. Im gonna be 17 in September soon so yea...  :asian: Im Indian btw...but i don't eat curry :D. tehe.... I've always wanted to play games such as garry's mod, tf2 and many other games but i couldn't because well i had a really bad pc, so im currently building one now. that can play all these games. and other future ones too. Erm, i was told of this website by my friend geuss know on this site. So a special thanks to him.Nayway hopefully Ill meet expereienced members on thsi site. I';; galdly talk to anyone, im always interested. PEAAAAAAAACE :bluepacmanghost: :darkbluepacmanghost:


Enjoy your stay.

Thank you

I regret everything. I do not know this... guy.

I don't know if i should laugh or cry... and i certainly cannot do both at the same time :P


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