Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Jets app. 10/27/2010
Jets Regular Application!
Steam: jetswafflebbqrz
In-Game Name:|RDev| -="Jets"=-
Time online:I am homeschool'd and it takes me 4 hours to do so.
Servers:TTT wire/build zombie survival
Age: 15
Games (on Steam):Hl2, Hl2ep2, hl2:DM, portal, Serious Sam HD, Stalker SOC, Oblivion, CS:S, DOD:S
Location:Bellevalley, ohio
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:I think I should be regular because when I was here forever I was best friends with many people but now I hardly talk to them nor have them on my friends list. but I want to come back for all the fun times again =D.
Contributions to RND:Friendlyness, helpfullness, mah sexy face, and my humor :P
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following: xfire @ jetstodown
Thanks for the awesome servers coolz. I had the greatest time these 2 years. and to everyone who added me on steam and I ignored because I literally forgot who you guys were =/ request me again
» Magic «:
very old fag :P
approved :D
welcome back dude
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