Bans (Read Only) > Approved
"Nope" Ban Report
Monorail Cat:
1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61382724
2. Players Nickname: Nope
3. Your in-game name: Monorail Cat (Vintage!)
4. Server name: Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s): I came on, and after hearing he's been rdm'ing on previous rounds, I was in the Juvenile Detention T-room, and he threw an incendiary (Pic 4). We warned him. Then, on Inferno, he hit me with a crowbar (Pic 3). We gave him another warning. The next round, he firstblooded the traitor in 2.15 seconds of round start (Pic 2). The next round, he deagle'd Bomb Squad after Bomb was warning him to stop rdm'ing Pic 1). After that, I killed him, and he left.
6. Reason for ban: RDM, Firstblood, Evade
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):
McDreary The Hapless Hamster:
I second this, the wiener nipple kept springing t traps on me in juvy, and when I'd kill him he would be inno. and here's more evidence and stuff. Aannndd he evaded report.
Bomb Squad:
I can confirm this. :thumbsup:
*** Damage log:
00:02.15 - DMG: Nope [innocent] damaged lemonpotato (NextGen Legend) [traitor] for 135 dmg
00:02.15 - KILL: Nope [innocent] killed lemonpotato (NextGen Legend) [traitor]
*** Damage log end.
Additional proof of other times he's RDMed.
Kicked after he wouldn't respond as to why he first blooded.
This Cactus:
:thumbsup: Was there on one map before he left
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