Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

"The One and Only" Toast's Reg Application

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Off topic; How many people are called toast now in RND, it's hard to keep track

As I never played with him much, he seemed pretty chill, I'd give him a +1.

McDreary The Hapless Hamster:
Dis here toast is the real deal. I've seen him a lot in the last few weeks and I have a fried drug addict brain. As a t bud he is rye-t there when  I kneed him. And he can toast anyone... He's like butter.. always on a roll... he is good when he is in a jam.... He never acts crumby.. when taking heat he only gets better... he is butter than most... he is toast. :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: McDreary The Hapless Hamster on April 18, 2013, 10:41:33 PM ---Dis here toast is the real deal. I've seen him a lot in the last few weeks and I have a fried drug addict brain. As a t bud he is rye-t there when  I kneed him. And he can toast anyone... He's like butter.. always on a roll... he is good when he is in a jam.... He never acts crumby.. when taking heat he only gets better... he is butter than most... he is toast. :thumbsup:

--- End quote ---
This, just this.

Approved. Notify an admin in-game with this application to receive your rank.


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