Bans (Read Only) > Approved
Demote Ulrich
I was just browsign along in sourebans, and I see like 3 bans for dumbass reasons by Ulrich, probably more.
"not respecting mah authoritah"
"OMG your voice"
Seriously, wasn't there a report on him abusing respected on old forums? He should have it taken away FFS.
» Magic «:
alans voice is really high pitched.....
but ya gime steam ip pl0x
I agree, he banned someone from wire for "invisible hack" LOL. And banned someone on ZS yesterday for "We die, you die" or something. Lemme get SteamID.
Just look at all the bans he made ???
» Magic «:
Banned for a week,
Reason - Respected abuse / Serial banning
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