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[APPROVED]Dirty Hippys final reg application?!?!?!?! Oct 26th 2010!!!!
Dirty Hippy:
Dirty Hippys final reg application?!?!?!?!
Steamname: Dirty Hippy
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13417452
In-Game Name: Dirty Hippy (the one and only)
Time online: anytime kind of random really
Servers:TTT thats about it some times ill hit up WS
Age: bitches 15
Hobbys: Garrys mod, xbox, tv, im currently on my high school wrestiling team,and BEING AWSOME
Birthday: june 4th you guys are fags for wanting to know
Games (on Steam): ccs, garrys mod
Location: Colorado
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: because ive been playing on rnd for long time back when flood was awsome with krasher a sabbath freak AND TO UPHOLD THE HONOR OF THE RND NAME
Much better.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
played with Dirty Hippy since the days of phrozenfox.
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