Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Monorail Cat's VIP App 04/01/2013

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Cheesy Sandwich:
Mono is way ready for VIP, Helpful in-game, very friendly, and I have really never seen him doing anything wrong. Monorail would be a very responsible VIP.

I don't know why it took him so long but it's about damn time he listened to me and made one
Monorail has always been a proper example of a VIP and I trust him fully with such responsibilities. He's mature, nice, and respectful to everyone.
An extremely strong  :thumbsup: from me.

Basically what everyone else said. +1


--- Quote from: Yellow Killer on April 01, 2013, 06:32:08 AM ---Monorail is friendly person in rNd, I think he would be a good canidate for VIP.  :thumbsup:

--- End quote ---

Yup, mono is ready for VIP. Everyone pretty much said it all. He is a cool guy who is active and willing to help. +1


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