Bans (Read Only) > Approved

ConmanGaming Report (TTT)


Monorail Cat:
1. Player's SteamID


2. Players Nickname


3. Your in-game name

Monorail Cat (Vintage!)

4. Server name

Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Description of the event(s)

I was standing near him, and he comes up to me and kills me point-blank with a shotgun while I was a traitor.

6. Reason for ban

Firstblood RDM / Ban Avoidance

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

Chat Log:
 ConmanGaming ( STEAM_0:0:56523584 ) has left the server! **

Console Log:
   01:05.38 - DMG:     ConmanGaming [innocent] damaged Monorail Cat (Vintage!) [traitor] for 102 dmg
   01:05.38 - KILL:    ConmanGaming [innocent] killed Monorail Cat (Vintage!) [traitor]
   01:05.79 - DMG:     DocSnapple [traitor] damaged Rico [innocent] for 200 dmg

There isn't nearly enough proof for me to even consider this. Unless more is provided this will be denied.

I was there and i attempted to ask him why he First blooded but he left. I support this report. +1

I shall post a screenshot when i can.

Proof he evaded ban.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Thats all the proof i had...

Always take screenshots instead of just cypy-pasting stuff.
It's great that TehHank supported this report and even posted one screenshot of him leaving and I doubt that Mono and TehHank are lying about the first blood RDM, but having a screenshot on that too would've been better.
Gonna ban him for 4 days.


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